Thursday, January 28, 2016

Doing More to Stress Less

Everyone stresses out. Everyone has things on their plate that they have to balance, deadlines they have to meet, assignments they have to complete, and just things that they need to get done. This isn't including all the lovely surprises that life likes to throw into our paths unexpectedly. For me, combating all of this is all about doing more to stress less. There are limitless ways to limit stress, but here are some of my favorites and things that I've been taking advantage of a lot lately.

This is the most stereotypical answer to the how to destress question, but for good reason. It works! Being active helps your body to feel better. Personally, stress makes me feel completely worn down, like all I want to do is sleep and never get out of bed. Which can sometimes be great, I'll admit, but I feel better when I'm up and doing something. Not all of the time, of course, but I make time every day for some physical activity. Sometimes this can be as simple as taking a walk, jogging around the neighborhood, or going to my school rec center for a swim in the indoor pool (bit nippy out for a swim, otherwise). Other days, though, when I'm feeling especially rundown, I'll make time to go to the gym and lift weights. There's something delightfully cathartic about picking up heavy things and putting them down again.

This is a multipurpose task for me. Not only does reading help me to brainstorm new story and poem ideas it also helps to chill me out on days when the weight of my stress feels particularly heavy. I use reading with an escapist mentality. Especially on days like today. I've sunk myself into a pit of blissful ignorance from the outside world recently, only to be very irritated and bogged down by the influx of uninformed propaganda and brainwashed sycophantic people that washed in the moment I tuned back in. However, when I got home I dove into the wonderful world of Warren Ellis's Crooked Little Vein. I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. The world he creates is one that is similar to this one, but so much more interesting and so very very amusing. It was the perfect way for me to deflate my stress this evening. Reading is an opportunity to leave my own world and my stresses behind for another one written in black and white.

>Fur (and Fin and Feather) Babies
Animals, to me, are the most indispensable source of peace and stress release. Without them, being alone is much more lonely than it should be and quiet moments seem just too quiet. I moved into my new house last month with my roommate and friend but was unable to bring my fur babies, Little Bit and Videl. My roommate and I, our schedules are complete opposites of one another. He's working while I'm home and sleeping, and I'm at school when he's awake and home. I missed my kitties more than I could ever imagine possible because I was spending a lot of my time home alone. Once I brought my babies home, though, the whole atmosphere of the house changed. Now, when I need a pick me up I just call them and spend some time cuddling and loving on them because nothing makes me feel better than they do. Even when they yell at me. (Yes, that's my kitty, Videl. She's a bit of a bossy biddy sometimes.)

These are my three favorite stress relievers. All in all, I make at least a little time for all three every day (and a lot for my kitties. They're stingy with my attention!) and it helps me not to lose my mind. I would love to know what you guys do to help come down from a long, hectic, stressful time!

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